Nothing escapes gravity forever. Not even death. Gravity, Shiva of the Cosmos, is the Destroyer of Worlds. Stars and planets, flora and fauna, all are erased by her.
As humans, we too age and grow decrepit. Our bodies wane and eventually our lives are extinguished. As art imitates life, the Microcosm mirrors the Macrocosm.
And yet with each new day, we start afresh. We each wake once again, with our immeasurably small place in the Grand Scheme of things and try again.
And I ask myself, where does this pattern replicate itself in the Heavens?
And the answer is abundantly clear. When some stars die they become Supernovae. And with their magnanimous explosions they release matter into the void. And that matter becomes new stars, while other particles coalesce into their orbiting planets. And nascent life forms on some of these budding planets and Life is reborn.
The Great Cycle replicates. On earth, as it is in heaven, the dance continues.
We are all Stardust.